Glasses on sheet music with pen

Songwriter’s Notebook

Hear music in your head and can’t stop humming? Want to add chords to your song and write it all down? Your compositions will come alive in Songwriter’s Notebook – Guitar! Develop original ideas or create new melodies using notes assigned by your guide, Tom Maroon. Learn why combining particular chords creates a predictable effect (more or less harmonious) and make deliberate choices as you add to your song list each month. Tom will get you ready to share music with others, by showing you how to coordinate singing and playing guitar simultaneously.

Tom says, “I will approach each session with a distinct prompt or concept that students will use to begin composing their own song. I’ll present a different prompt for all students to work with at each meeting, though they may also suggest one as well. Students will write at least one section of their original song in each meeting, and are welcome to continue working on or even complete the song before getting together again the next week. I have a passion for music composition and songwriting (actually it’s Tom’s specialty!) and believe that young students who are encouraged to follow their inspiration and create their own compositions will be more likely to find joy in music throughout their lives.

By the end of the course, students will have written at least four! of their own tunes and be able to play them on guitar. In this course, students have the unique opportunity to express creativity and compose music with the help of a professional. They will leave the course feeling proud of their unique compositions!”

Flex Start means that you can join soon because a new session begins at the top of each month. This CYM Course is best suited for Youth 10 – 12 years old who have had at least one year of individual guitar lessons. Tuition is $75 for four sessions that meet Wednesdays at 7:45 pm for 30 minutes. Read about Tom Maroon. Register for Songwriter’s Notebook – Guitar. Rent an acoustic guitar. Click the links below to purchase an electric guitar (if electric, they will also need an amp and a 1/4-inch cable), a tuner, a pen/pencil and notebook, and a guitar pick (optional).

Fender Squier 3/4 Size Kids Mini Strat Electric Guitar Learn-to-Play Bundle w/ Amp, Cable, Tuner, Strap, and Picks

Fender Squier Short Scale (24″) Stratocaster – Transparent Red Learn-to-Play Bundle with Frontman 10G Amp, Cable, Tuner, Strap, Picks