Smiling girl with violin

Wexford, Sewickely, Shadyside, and Aspinwall

CYM offers individual lessons in Wexford, Sewickley, Shadyside, and Aspinwall. Group instruction in Musikgarten is led in each of these locations and Suzuki groups gather at Wexford (and at other locations upon request).

Tap this link to see Individual Lesson availability listed by instrument, time, day, teacher, and location:
View Individual Lessons

Tap this link to see ECMM Course availability listed by student age, course type, and location:
View Courses

What are the benefits in starting at CYM with Musikgarten or the Suzuki Method? Tap these links to find out:
Why Suzuki at CYM?
Why Musikgarten at CYM?

Our goal is to develop your child’s lifelong love of music in the positively responsive environment of our school. Tell us what you are looking to do and we will make the best match we can, (724) 935-0505.