Mr Mark new headshot

April’s Serenade

Steady progress is being made by the repeat Serenade performers who jumped in with Mark Marston on Saturday, April 24. Students tested their nerves and enjoyed extra time to announce and play as many pieces as they chose. All students clearly introduced the title and composer of each piece. Listeners sat in “aural comfort” as performers demonstrated true understanding of what a “polished piece” ought to sound like – technical challenges already worked out and phrasing and dynamics easily expressed. This is when being a musician gets really fun! Family members and their Zoom guests also enjoyed Mark’s musical contributions before and after those of the students. Mark spoke about how Paganini played both violin and guitar, and how Paganini’s music is included in both Suzuki books (since there were guitarists and a violinist on the program). Mark shared tips to support a successful performance on Zoom.

Aarnav played Long Long Ago, Calatayud played Waltz and Corrente & Andante by Paganini, Alankriti played Song of the Wind, May Song, and Allegretto Anisha played Bach Minuet and O’ Come Little Children, Carson played Calliope and Etude, and Mark played Sor Estudio and Bach Minuet.

Register for the May Serenade or June Serenade to build YOUR performance experience base. Great Job everyone and thank you for attending!