Movie popcorn

Ukulele Sing-A-Long: At the Movies

The dynamic duo returns! Mark and Lindsay reveal your vocal talents and ukulele capabilities with songs chosen from classic and popular movies. Learn to sing songs you probably recognize and want to know how to sing better. Classes will be Mon – Fri for one week, meeting for one hour each day. One song will be studied each day, starting with the most challenging and adding easier songs as we go. During the final class family will gather around and sing-a-long! If you would like to improve your vocal technique, and become more at ease with basic chord progressions and rhythms, this short term small group setting is for you! This CYM Course will meet everyday of the week June 14 – 18, like summer camp but won’t have that “campy” drawn-out feel. Youth: 6 + years meet on Zoom from 10:30 am – 12:00 pm. Read about Mark. Read about Lindsay. Register for Ukulele Sing-A-Long: At the Movies. Purchase a ukulele. Hope to see you there!